Diagnostic test evaluation and comparison
Likelihood ratios and probability of infection in a tested individual
Use this to calculate positive and negative likelihood ratios for a test of given sensitivity and
specificity and to calculate the post-test probability of infection, given the pre-test probability and test performance. For these calculations, the pre-test
probability of infection is the estimated of probability of infection based on clinical signs and any other (such as previous test results) available information.
If no other information is available the estimated prevalence of infection in the population of origin should be used. The post-test probability of infection
is the same as the positive (or negative) predictive value for the test for the specified pre-test probability of infection.
- Test unit sensitivity;
- Test unit specificity; and
- Prior (pre-test) probability of infection.
- Table of pre-test odds of infection, likelihood ratio, post-test odds of infection and
post-test probability of infection for positive and negative test results, respectively; and;
- Plots of positive and negative likelihood ratios for varying sensitivity and specificity values
and varying prior probability of infection.